Monday, November 30, 2009

Nice to MEAT you

So this is the 4th posting and it still seems odd.  I feel like I am writing for a bunch of English teachers who will be critiquing every element of my sentence structure.  I'm not quite sure I know what I'm doing but I am going to keep at it for now.  So here goes another one...

I love steak.  But for some reason, I suck at grilling.  So this is what I made tonight, all on the stove.  It took less than 30 minutes to make and was "awesome" according to Nate, one of my 5 year old twins.  The cook time was perfect since I let my kids watch Phineas and Ferb so I could actually cook in peace. Before I came to the TV decision I actually wanted to beat some of them with the meat that I was about to prepare.  But we'll save that conversation for another time...

So here it is.  The only thing I would change is the cut of meat.  Sometimes I'm okay with skirt steak but some times it's kind of tough.  Whatever cut you choose, slice it thin to serve.

Skirt Steak with Balsamic Sauce
Roasted Tomatoes & Scallions  (Everyday Food recipe)

1 1/2 lb. skirt steak (may need to cut in half to fit in skillet) or any other cut of meat
1 c. balsamic vinegar
2 pints grape tomatoes
6 scallions - cut into 1 inch pieces
2 T. olive oil
salt & pepper
mashed potatoes, polenta or rice (your choice)

Preheat oven to 400.  Place tomatoes on rimmed baking sheet.  Sprinkle with 1 T. olive oil and salt & pepper to taste.  Toss to coat.  Roast until tomatoes are tender and some skins have split (approx. 12-15 min).  Heat remaining 1 T. olive oil in large skillet over high heat.  Season steak with salt & pepper; add to skillet.  Cook 2-3* minutes each side (turning only once) for medium-rare.  Transfer to a plate and loosely cover with aluminum foil and let rest 5-10 min.

Add balsamic vinegar to reserved juice in skillet and boil over high heat for 5-7 min, adding in any juices from resting steak.  Slice steak into thin strips and serve drizzled with vinegar reduction.


Laura said...

sounds great...wish you could just cook it for me

unrelated to this meal, but any good suggestions for a n easy Christmas Eve dinner since that day is busy with kids and mass,as well as a different idea for Christmas day...maybe a brunch? Trying to come up with something good the kids will sick of cooking all day so that they can have cereal!

This is me. said...

I'll work on it.

Anonymous said...

Hi, found you at Piece of Cake. I know this is not about pot roast in a crock pot.

But. What in the world am I doing wrong? My pot roast never, ever, comes out fork-tender. The Bob Evans pre-cooked pot roast in my grocer's refrigerated section comes out fork-tender.

My pot roast? No. Had it on slow cook for 8 hours yesterday. I used cream of mushroom soup and a pack of Lipton's onion soup mix -- found this recipe at Allrecipes and hundreds of people said it was the best thing they've ever eaten.

Um, no.

I even asked two ladies at the store what sort of roast to buy for the crock pot. They both suggested some sort of round something, can't remember and I threw the packaging away. They said that one was better than the chuck roast since it had less fat.

Is my crock pot on the blink? And can the oven create fork-tender roasts?

So sorry this is lengthy and not really on topic. It is about meat though.

Michele R said...

Hi, found you from Piece of Cake. I love cooking meals for my family of Hubs and 3 boys (one is a teen). However, there is no way in heck they would ever eat tomatoes and scallions!! I am amazed! I would eat them in a heartbeat though.
To the commenter about the crock pot. Mine was not making meat tender either....till I just bought a new one which works so much better.