Thursday, December 3, 2009

Going in the wrong direction

I've realized today that I'm going about this blog all wrong.  What I set out to do, originally, was show how I plan dinner each week, not just tell you what I ate each night.  So, I'm going to take a week and plan and then cook the meals.  At the end of the week I'll post the pictures, recipes and shopping list for you to see.  I'm also going to put together some menus for holiday dinners, cookie recipes  and other things for the holidays.  See you next week.


Weza said...

Sounds good!

Laura said...

can I tell you what I ate?

This is me. said...


Lou Woods said...

Um, can I tell you that I'll love you more if you tell me what you really ate, and that though you planned the heck out of it you still served Mac and Cheese (the boxed kind) at least once a week.

Re previous posts: Love the balsamic sauce recipe for beef(though will have to use my cheap, cooking rate b.v. for that. I'm still nursing my 25 and 20 year bottles from Italy and will save those for special treats tastings straight from the bottle). What balsamic do you cook with?

Please do not think you are writing for English teachers who are marking up your writings. In fact, please purposefully throw in a mis-spelling or grammatical error at least once in each post. I do that just to put my readers at ease. Not because I don't know any better (at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it).

And about the twins (who are so very handsome I swooned)growing up too fast: I've come out the other end. Survived raising a son to out of the house college age. This is a pretty great part of life too (I find other ways to get my baby and young child fixes). By the time the twins grow up and leave home you will be so sick and tired of cooking balanced meals every night you will totally enjoy a bowl of cereal or boxed mac and cheese for dinner. And look forward to cooking really awesome dinners when they come home to eat. And they will love eating just about anything you cook then (even Turkey, Laura!).

Laura said...

sick of waiting. where the hell is my meal plan? We haven't eaten in 12 days cause we are waiting for you.
Shit...Luke just fainted..gotta run...

This is me. said...

Lou - I LOVE balsamic vinegar, too. I actually mix my tuna fish with balsamic instead of mayo. I am currently using Colavita Organic (no real reason for the organic, I just picked it up) to cook with. I don't have any "good" balsamic like you do (I would nurse that stuff, too!) but I do like the Lucini Aged 10 years a lot. Now you've made me want to go to Dean and Deluca and buy some really good stuff!